

同学,你好! 新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),简称国大(NUS),是成立于1905年的公立研究型大学,为环太平洋大学联盟成员,国际公立大学论坛成员,亚洲大学20强之一。 国大拥有两个校区,主校区(肯特苑)位于新加坡河岸旁的肯特岗,另一个校区(武吉知马校区)则毗邻于布洛克园。目前在校师生约3万人,每年提供700个博士学位和450个硕士学位。



LSE-NUS Joint Degree 双学位项目是由英国伦敦政经学院(LSE)与新加坡国立大学(NUS)联合推出,两所顶尖名校强强联手打造高起点的职业律师。学生将在两个院校分别修读两年的基础课程以及一年的硕士核心课程,完成所有课程并达到两所院校的毕业要求后,将会获得由两所院校联合颁发的硕士学位。 该项目共分四个学年,第一年在英新两国分别修读核心课程;第二年和第三年在新加坡修读法律专功课及选修课;第四年回到英国择一方向完成论文研究。


项目费用高昂。NUS的学费为每年46,600新币(约合23万元人民币),LSE的学费为每年21,000英镑(约合24万元人民币),如果选择回国就业,还需要支付一笔签证费、公证费、翻译费等共计2万元RMB。 毕业后前景广阔。该项目的毕业生有机会进入英国顶级律师事务所工作,且薪资水平也比其他仅具有单一国家法律背景的毕业生更高。



Juris Doctor (JD) is a 5-year full-time program that will prepare you for the practice of law in the United States. The American Bar Association has endorsed this degree as an appropriate qualification for admission to its member jurisdictions, and it can be recognized by every U.S. state, territory or District of Columbia. In some states where there are not specific residency requirements – such as Washington State – graduates from LLM programs may apply directly for law licenses with no other legal education requirement, so long as they have met all applicable eligibility criteria under Rule 3A:7(b)(8)) of the Rules Governing Admission to the Practice of Law in the US.

All JD applicants must hold at least one master’s degree, preferably in science, technology, engineering etc., as well as having completed three years of postgraduate study. Applicants who do not meet these minimum qualifications cannot apply.

The National University of Singapore's Faculty of Law offers two joint degrees: Juris Doctor/Master of Laws(LLM)and Master of Comparative Law/ Juris Doctor(Juridical Science) LL M) . These five year combined programmes enable candidates to complete both law degrees simultaneously while enjoying reduced tuition fees.
