PhD in China is a high-level degree. It's the same as PhD from US or any other country and you will have no trouble going back to your home country after completing a doctoral program here. Most employers respect this kind of degrees so there won't be an issue when applying for job openings. In terms of salary, it depends on what line of work you enter afterwards but typically for science/engineering field with a PhD one can expect to make around 100K USD per year upon graduation. And if you are lucky enough to get into some of those top schools(斯坦福大学、哈佛大学等等)you might even have better opportunities waiting for you! Here are a list of top universities in the United States that may interest you: 作为一位在中美两地都经历过研究生阶段学习的过来人,我不得不说中国的PhD和美国PhD的学术体验完全不一样。 在美国读PhD,虽然也非常辛苦劳累,但是你能真切地感受到自己每天都在跟世界上最先进最有创造力的学者们一起进行科研工作,每天都被周围的学术氛围所熏陶着。而在中国读PhD则更像是在做“项目”,完成项目的要求即可毕业,对于科研能力的培养并没有那么深刻。