12月4日更新 被告知,已经有人因为我的申诉被获准重签,而且他们收到通知的时间很快(我申诉后的几天就收到了)!所以有同样遭遇的同学也可以试试。 原答案如下—— 我在英国读研究生,9月底签证到期,但是因为学校放假要等到10月初才能离校。但是昨天移民局打电话给我说让我明天去重签,因为护照上是旧的签证页,不能显示我是在读学生,而我的旧签证是9月30日到期的,现在去重签需要交800多英镑的罚款以及2周左右的等候时间。这明显是不合理的,因为我本来就不可能在这个时间离校,所以他们应该知道我是在读状态,并且签证是可以延期的。
于是我马上给他们写了封信说明情况,并说明如果他们让我交钱我就不签了,我会申请上诉。以下是信件内容: To whom it may concern, I am a student in the UK currently holding an expired T4 visa (September 30th). However, my university is on holiday until October 7th so I cannot leave the country before then and would need to reapply for my current status while at my home address(UK) if you do not accept this as evidence of my current academic standing/living situation. The fact that I have had no change of circumstance since my original application date means your decision will be to charge me £195. 56 to re-submit form, pay up to two weeks in administration fees to hold my application and request any additional information required from me, all which can only add significant delay onto what was already an urgent matter due to time limitations with regards to travelling back into the country after returning overseas for vacation. As such,I strongly believe there has been an error with processing my case and I ask that you reconsider my application without further charges or delays. Thank you. PS: 如果您觉得信里说的不够清楚,我可以把原文传真给您或者邮寄过去 请一定要快啊~~希望会有人因此得到帮助^^ 现在我还在等答复...