

是斯坦福大学,主修表演和影视制作 刚刚在斯坦福大学的官网上查询到的信息,地址为: http://stad.stanford.edu/prospective/graduate_degree_programs.html

The Department of Theater and Performance Studies at Stanford University offers master's degrees in performance studies (M.A.) and theater & performance (M.F.A.) with emphases in theatrical design, playwriting, and acting for the stage, as well as an M.S. degree in film directing. The department also supports the study of drama, theater arts, and performance on a bachelor's level with an A.B. degree in dramatic art. The undergraduate curriculum emphasizes thorough grounding in the theory, history, and practice of western classical, contemporary, and international theater and performance arts, along with a strong preparation in related fields such as dance, music, literature, film, and visual art.

The graduate programs focus on specific areas of interest including the making of live theater, the craft and theory of acting, movement, and voice; writing for the theater, directing, production design and technology, and global performance and cultural exchange. All students pursue their work under the guidance of faculty mentors who are professional artists and scholars in both the liberal and applied arts. Students are eligible to apply for various types of financial aid which include fellowships, scholarships, teaching assistantships, and research assistantships.

In addition to coursework, all graduate students are required to complete an internship or practicum that provides hands-on experience in producing or performing for the stage, screen, radio, television, or other media. Internship opportunities exist locally and worldwide through partnerships with theaters, opera companies, film festivals, and other cultural institutions in the United States and abroad.



应该是斯坦福,不是哈佛吧 之前看到过一张他跟一个斯坦福教授的照片(那个教授的讲座他来不了于是让朋友代劳)。然后昨天看到了这张

这应该是在斯坦福的校园照的吧。。。 斯坦福离旧金山不远啊 而且他的行程里也没有提到哈佛大学啊 所以我觉得是斯坦福的可能性比较大。。。。。。 当然也不排除他去别的学校的可能性

