

第一次去欧洲,自由行,签证顺利签下来了 第二次西欧五国,跟团,签证被拒绝了 我真的跪了!!!!! 为什么会这样!!!!我应该怎么做啊!!!!我的签证费白交了么!!!!!(大哭) 想听听各位大神的意见与建议!!!万分感谢!!!!! 以下是签证官给我的拒签信 Dear sighnet applicant, your application for a visa to visit europe has been refused.

we regret the inconvenience caused by this decision and we wish you every success in any future attempts at obtaining European visas. here are our reasons for refusal:

1. lack of adequate travel planning documents demonstrating that the purpose of the trip is genuine and not just an attempt to circumvent visa regulations;

2. low level of funds and no clear evidence of sources of income or sufficient availability of funds to support the length of proposed stay;

3. there was insufficient evidence available to show that you have strong/reliable ties to your home country which would compel us to believe you will return at the end of your stay.

the following points need further clarification:

1. why do you want to go to Europe? what do you hope to achieve by going there? there needs to be solid, well-considered answers to these questions as it is important that we fully understand what you intend to do with your time abroad and how we can reasonably expect you to conduct yourself while in the territory of our friendly neighbor.

2. next, please clarify what you mean by “I'll spend most of my day walking around cities, looking at famous sites”. i realize you said this on the basis of what your tour guide told you to say but this does sound rather like a day itinerary that might be prepared by a local tourist authority. could you give me examples of exactly where you’ll be visiting and what you’ll be doing——in other words, details of your actual schedule.

i am not asking for more detail than this:请选择你最喜欢的一座城市并描述你将如何度过你在那里的最后一天---举个例子:如果你说“在巴黎的最后一天,我将参观卢浮宫和埃菲尔铁塔…”就会很好。

3. 关于资金问题,你能否提供更有力的资金来源证明或表明你的财务状况更适合你的申请(学生请提供学生的身份证明)。 比如你能告诉我你的银行存款有多少,是否已经存了一定的时间,有没有存折或者卡的好处的交易记录以供我参考? 还有,你是否拥有任何类型的理财产品、股票、外汇,或有这些投资的经验等等。(我并不是在怀疑你没钱,我是想请你提供更直接的证据证明你的钱是真实存在的而不是凭空想象的数字。)
