澳洲纳税有两种方式,一种是自雇者自己申报(Individual Tax Return),一种是给雇主打工,工资由雇主扣除税款发放(pay as you go withholding)。第一种方式是根据财政年度内收入情况填表,然后汇款给澳洲税务局,申请退税。第二种方式是雇主计算出员工的工资收入后,代扣相应税款,再发放剩余的工资。代扣的税款在汇给澳洲税务局时会注明支付人的税号,由税务局计算后记入纳税人的纳税账户。
1、从事个体职业或经营业务(包括独资企业,受托企业,不动产和有价证券出租业务)者(Individuals who practice a profession or carry on business, including sole traders, trustees of business and rental trusts, and others who have business or rental income);
2、从事其它的职业活动,年收入超过6000AUD者,不管怎样报税,都必须填写申报表(People who perform other kinds of work, as long as their income from those sources is over $6000;those people must supply the information, even if they have not been requested to do so, and even if all the correct tax has already been collected through the Australian PAYG system);
3、为他人工作,年工资在6000AUD以内,收到澳洲税务局要求申报所得税的者(People who earn less than $6000 from paid employment and receive a Tax Return form from the Taxation Office, notifying them that they must supply a return);
4、没有工作,年收入超过20000AUD者(People with no employment, who earn more than $20,000 and who are not provided with a Tax Return form)。