

学生签(F1)通常都是1年时间的,但是可以多次入境延期,延期的条件就是要在就读学校继续读书,所以,一旦申请到了学生签,请马上入境! 一般情况都是1年的签,但是如果是9月份入学的话,签证会在4-6月到期,如果这时还没有到美国的话,可以选择续签,续签的流程是:在官网填好DS160表格,准备照片及护照,预约签证地点和时间,然后去面试。 之前有同学因为面试的时候表现得不够好被check了…… check的意思就是说你的资料需要送到美国大使馆进行审核,审核时间大概是一个半月左右,这期间你是不能入境美国的,只能在中国或者在美国其他使馆签证,待收到批准函后方可赴美。 所以,建议各位同学在面试前多做功课,尽量一次性通过,以免受到不必要的折磨和耽误时间。


一、面试技巧 这里就不过多介绍面试的基本程序啦,说说面试时候的小细节吧~ 1. 微笑,自信地与签证官进行眼神交流;

2. 有礼貌地问好,注意不要问“早上好”、“晚上好”这种泛泛的问题,而是应该直接问“Good morning, sir/madam";

3. “Why do you choose our school?"这个问题是一定会被问到滴…这个就不解释了哈,记得早做准备!

二、着装 男生:西装+白衬衫+深色领带+黑色皮鞋 女生:套裙+衬衫或毛衣(可外穿可内搭)+高跟鞋 如果想要看起来更青春更有活力一点,可以在衣服搭配上做些改变~~~

三、面试常见问题 Q: What will you study in the United States? A: XXX University offers a program of studies that is very attractive to me, because it focuses on (专业方向) and provides students with hands-on experience from day one. Besides, the faculty are highly qualified professionals who offer great individual attention, which I think is important when studying a technical field like mine. Finally, this area has so much potential for growth in China! So my decision was easy: I want to study at xxx university! Q: Why did you pick our country? A: The U.S.is known worldwide as having high-quality education system. It boasts many famous universities such as Harvard, Yale etc...In addition, I believe life here should be more exciting than back home where everything is already settled down and routine. Moreover,I can improve my English language skills while learning how to adapt to new changes! Lastly, although some people say America's economy has fallen recently, there are still huge opportunities here. In fact, every time I watch news about the US, they always report their positive side rather than negative ones! That makes me feel secure living over here.


这个要看具体的情况来判定,一般来讲申请美高的话 10年级到12年级都是一年一次的签证。但是也有部分学校规定1-6年级每年一次,7-8年级两次或者以上。 但是如果学生要申请美国的本科和研究生的签证的话就麻烦一些了,因为除了看学生的语言成绩还要看学校的GPA还有托福的成绩等等。

所以建议学生在出国留学之前还是先了解一下自己想去去的学校的具体情况再考虑准备入学的事宜吧! 在办理签证的时候一定要记得带齐资料并且要填好签证申请表以及准备好面签问题及答案!这样会大大提高通过率的哦~
