1、申请Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa (Young People) 年轻工作者签证: 申请者必须是年满18岁,未满30岁的公民; 此签证是允许申请人以游客身份赴英工作; 在签发的有效期内可多次入境和离境英国(每次停留不得超过6个月); 需具备相当于英文程度GCSE的英语能力证明。 2. 申请Work Permit for Skilled Worker (Standard visa route) 一般技术工人签证: 申请者可以是任何国籍人士,但必须年满18岁, 而且必须在申请前已经获得一份在英国的工作机会, 并符合英国政府所订定的最低收入及学历规定; 签证有效期为两年,一次入境; 可携带家人一同前往。
3、申请Tier 2 General 一般技术移民签证: 申请者可以是任何国籍人士,而签证有效期则取决与所从事工作的合约期限而定,最短可达一年,最长可为十年。另外值得注意的是,如果拥有五年或以上的学士学位者也可享有一年的特别免面试待遇,直接电传入境部取签。
* Tiers: Tier 1 - High Value Migrant: Highly skilled migrants and Entrepreneurs /Investors ; Tier 2 - General: Skilled workers, such as high level professionals or post graduate degree holders who have a job offer from an approved company ; Tier 4 – Student visas : Students wishing to study in the UK with their parents accompanying under Tier 4 (Child) Category 。
* Points Based System: This is a scheme for sponsoring non-European Economic Area nationals to work, study or train in the UK. It is based on points being awarded depending upon age, qualifications, salary etc. A minimum of 95 points are needed to qualify. There has been much speculation about what impact further changes will make on this system, including extending it to cover all migrant categories. If you want to apply under this scheme then there must be enough points available for your particular circumstances.